<aside> 🌎 "Your differences make us stronger." It may sound corny, but it's true.


Our team benefits greatly from our diverse experiences, backgrounds, and ideas. When supporting our team and considering the experience we want people to have while working here, we must take into account our team's diversity. A one-size-fits-all approach is not suitable for us. However, to ensure that we all work well and are well taken care of, we have established some core principles for how we expect you to work:

🧃 Work should fit into your life, not the other way around.

We strive to create a supportive workplace that prioritises mental health and happiness, recognising that life requires balance and juggling. When life throws curve balls, we're there for our team.

🫧 Taking care of yourself is just as important as setting up your office.

We encourage you to prioritise your mental, physical, and emotional health in whatever way works best for you. Distributed work can present a unique set of challenges, and acknowledging them is the first step in addressing them.

📣 We expect everyone to be clear about what's expected of them and what they're comfortable doing.

Clarity and setting expectations mean that no one should expect you to work or be responsive outside of your normal hours. It's important to communicate this clearly to others and enforce it in your personal life. If you find this challenging, your manager can provide assistance.

Your physical work environment

Perhaps the single biggest change for most new distributed workers is their physical work environment. In most countries, employers are legally required to ensure that your work environment won't damage your health, and most office equipment is specifically designed with this in mind.

This is rarely top of mind for new distributed workers, but the long-term effects of working on a tiny laptop hunched over your kitchen table can be pretty serious.

At the most basic level, you should aim to have a dedicated working area with:

🪑 A comfortable chair with armrests and back support

🖥 A large external monitor set at the right height

🖱 A keyboard and mouse within easy reach